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Our motto
Nothing worthwhile is easy. Attempt the impossible, work hard, play hard, do experiments, fail fast, fail smart, do experiments. Eventually we'll create --- hopefully something worthwhile.
WEEK 1 了解運算放大器及負回授、將重要電路背起來。
WEEK 2 了解線性電路對弦波的反應及Phasor與阻抗
WEEK 3 頻率響應,求習題10.71, 10.72頻率響應並繪圖
WEEK 4 學習判斷濾波器的頻率響應種類
WEEK 5 為何電晶體與IC電源端需接旁路電容?
WEEK 5 學習LCR濾波及喇叭分音電路
WEEK 6 拉式轉換Laplace Transform I (Ch. 15)
【實作二】韋恩振盪器(Wein-Bridge Oscillator)
【實作三】直流電源轉換(Buck Converter)
WEEK 7 拉式轉換Laplace Transform 2 (Ch. 16)
WEEK 10 轉移函數 (Ch. 16.4)
WEEK 12 耦合電感 (Ch. 13)
WEEK 8 弦波振盪器 (Ch. 10.9.2)
WEEK 11 實作三講解(脈波寬度調變、比較器、控制器)
WEEK 13 變壓器 (Transformer, Ch. 13..5)
WEEK 14 實作四講解(無線傳能、機械錶原理)
WEEK 15 交流功率分析 (Ch. 11)
WEEK 16 阻抗匹配與最大功率傳輸
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